Education Background and Achievements

I am a Statistician with an interest and expertise in health and education outcomes. I hold a Bachelor of Economics and Statistics from Kyambogo Univeristy (KYU), a PostGraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation from Uganda Management institute (UMI) and a Master of Statistics from Makerere University (MAK). Currently I am doing a PhD in Health Economics at the University of Tübingen, Germany focusing on Numeracy and Malaria Control in Africa.

Operational Status

Full time

Research interests

Mathematical modelling of Infectious and noncommunicable Diseases both at population and within-host levels.

Current Research Projects

I am currently working on studies to assess how numeracy and health numeracy influence the behaviours of people to malaria control in Africa. I am also looking at a study assessing health insurance acceptability, use and coverage and its relationship to health care demand and utilisation in Uganda. Further, I am incorporating education by looking at a comparative analysis of learning outcomes for refugees vs Nationals in Uganda.

Community Engagements

Looking forward to persue a Phd in mathematics.
